Respectful Encounters, “Don’t be that guy”: A Guide on Ethically Swimming with Manatees

Choose Ethical Tour Operators

Swimming with manatees is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that allows us to connect with these gentle giants in their natural habitat. However, this privilege comes with a responsibility to ensure that our interactions are ethical, and respectful, and do not harm these endangered creatures. At River Ventures and River Safaris, we take this very seriously and always practice passive observation. This means no touching and maintaining a respectful and non-intrusive distance from manatees. However, swimmers can allow the manatees to initiate interactions with them.  

Knowledge is Power

Before embarking on your manatee adventure, research and select tour operators who are committed to ethical wildlife viewing. Always opt for companies that adhere to guidelines and regulations, ensuring minimal impact on manatees and their environment. Knowledge is power! Learn about manatee behavior, habitats, and the regulations in place to protect them. Understanding their natural instincts will help you anticipate and respect their needs during your encounters with them. 

No Touching Policy (Passive Observation)

Although they are the cutest floaty potatoes, you must resist the temptation to touch or interact physically with manatees. While they seem docile, physical contact can disrupt their natural behaviors and, in some cases, may be harmful to their sensitive skin. This is where adopting passive observation comes into play. Practice passive observation by allowing manatees to initiate contact. Maintain a safe distance and let these curious creatures come to you. This helps ensure that their natural behaviors remain undisturbed. It is also important to keep noise levels to a minimum. Manatees communicate through subtle sounds, and excessive noise can disrupt their communication and cause stress. Use quiet voices and limit splashing to maintain a serene environment.  

Be Mindful of their Habitat

While on your tour, avoid disturbing seagrass beds and shallow waters where manatees often feed. Minimize your impact by following designated paths and guidelines established by your tour operator to protect both manatees and their ecosystems. Many areas frequented by manatees have designated zones to protect their habitats. It is crucial that you stay within these boundaries and follow any specific guidelines provided by local authorities and tour operators. If you witness unethical behavior, report it to the authorities or tour operator immediately. By holding individuals accountable, we contribute to the overall protection of manatees and their habitats.  

Share Your Knowledge

Spread awareness about responsible manatee watching. Encourage fellow enthusiasts to follow ethical guidelines and respect the well-being of these incredible marine mammals. Always opt for ethical tourism companies that follow all local rules and regulations. By following these ethical guidelines, we contribute to the conservation of these endangered creatures and ensure that future generations can also marvel at their beauty in the wild!